Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Birthday girl.

I know it has been quite a while since I have posted anything, and a lot has happened. But for now I will stick to just the most recent event. Caitlin turned 1! We had a small get together at the house with close family and friends, and it turned out very nice. Caitlin is growing up so fast and is such a sweet and loving girl. Her and her brother get along better than I could have asked for and I can't imagine life without them.

 Enjoying some of her cake.

Sizing each other up?

 Ryan having a good time with cousin Katrina.

 And of course, the cake. I think it came out quite well =).

Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween 2011

This year we were finally able to dress up as a family. We chose to do Cowboys and Indians. I think our costumes came out great! We went trick or treating with my brother, sister in law and my two nieces. We had a really fun time.

My brother, the Wizard.
My nieces. Reese as Katy Perry and Katrina as Rapunzel.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


As I was uploading new photos of Caitlin today I remembered some of Ryan that we had. Can you tell that they are brother and sister? They are both about 6 weeks old when these were taken. I thought it was funny that all 4 of these were taken in the same place.



Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Ryan Turns Two!

On Sunday we celebrated Ryan's 2nd birthday with family and close friends. I can't believe it's already been 2 years since he was born. We kept it simple with a few decorations and cake and ice cream. It turned out really well and Ryan had a lot of fun.

Hanging out with baby Caitlin before the party.

He's such a little mimic.

Ryan received a lot of great gifts. Thank you everyone.

Ryan always wants to play on the scooters and trucks when we are at our friends Ty and Michelle's, so Sean and I decided to get him his very own tricycle. He loved it!He's still just a tad bit shy of being tall enough to peddle on his own, but he still loves playing on it and being pushed around.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

1st Haircut

After almost 2 years Sean and I decided to finally get Ryan's hair cut. We had initially thought that we wouldn't cut his hair until he was almost ready to start school, but with the curls it was getting a little too unmanageable. So the weekend before his birthday we took him to the salon. He did very well, didn't care at all. Of course the salon is geared for kids and they have a lot of distractions for them. He got to sit in a red fire truck chair and Blue's Clue's was playing on the TV in front of him.

Here is the before.
We didn't want to cut it very short, we wanted him to still have his curls and for it to still have that "moppy" look to it.

You can tell in this photo how long it really was.

And here is the after.
Not much of a change, but it's out of his eyes and face now and that's just perfect.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Caitlin Emma Perry

Since I was past my due date by 5 days and having been rejected for a day and a half by the hospital on my induction because they were full up, I decided to take things into my own hands and go into labor on my own.
After 13 hours of labor Caitlin Emma Perry was born on July 29, 2011 at 9:57pm. She weighed 7lbs 4oz and was 19 1/4 inches long and could not have been more perfect.

We ended up staying in the hospital for 3 days because of a new rule they have, but it wasn't bad and it gave Sean and me time to bond with our little girl.

Once we were released to come home on Sunday, this is what was awaiting us at home. Thanks to Ty and Michelle and the boys (Ryan too!) for making our homecoming very sweet.

And here she is, all bright eyed and bushy tailed...

Just kidding!

It took a little time for Ryan to adjust to having a new baby in the house, only about a day or two. But since then he has become such a good big brother. He was so happy to get to hold her for the first time.

Big brother kisses!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Hollywood Baby!

Sean and I celebrated our 3rd anniversary by heading to Hollywood for the day. Neither one of us has visited there before, except to drive through it on the way to Universal Studios. We had a really good time. There were a lot of tourists, but it wasn't an issue. We ended up walking around Hollywood Blvd for a while just looking at all the stars on the sidewalk.

Then we headed over to Madame Tussauds wax museum. The museum was so fun! Not like I pictured it would be at all. The figures are placed around the room and you are able to "interact" with them as much as you want. Some of the figures were amazing, very lifelike.

This was the first thing you saw after stepping out of the elevator. It took us a minute to figure out it was a statue. We thought some guy was trying to be funny.
After we got used to the place we started having some fun =).

Jo, this one is for you =).


After the wax museum we headed over to Mann's Chinese Theatre. Apparently we had just missed Peter O'Toole's signing.

We also went to the Hollywood Museum. They have a lot of the original props and costumes from all sorts of movies. This one was very impressive. If you can't tell it's the entire cell block where Hannibal Lecter was kept in Silence of the Lambs and Dragon.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Hart Park

It has been a long while since the last time I posted anything. So I decided to post some fun photos of us at Hart Park. We went a few weeks ago and had a great time. Ryan loved being able to run around in a place so open. The parks and recreation department has made some nice improvements on it as well. The play grounds are really nice now, and all the equipment is updated.

Ryan was very interested to see where his pine cones went after dropping them in the burrows. I'm sure the squirrels didn't mind...